العودة   منتدى بريدة > بــــــــــــريدة > تعليم القصيم أخبار وتغطيات


موضوع مغلق
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قديم 15-02-03, 01:25 am   رقم المشاركة : 1
محب الصحابه
عضو مميز

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  المستوى :
  الحالة : محب الصحابه غير متواجد حالياً
***My own writings*** من كتاباتي الخاصه


Hi …I'm back this time with interesting thing …I'll tell ya what is just wait …

Everyone of us got a hobby …RIGHT??…something special he likes to do

during his leisure….Now I’ll tell ya about my hobby. I like reading and

writing. Actually, I write essays in English , and I’ll be glad to share it with

ya pals.



[gl]Teens & Peer Preasure [/gl]

Many teens around the world may try to do unusual things just to be on


Sometimes they do it without realizing the bad consequences of their

actions, “A Muscle Show” .

However, most of the teens are under friend’s pressure .

This is commonly called “Peer Pressure” . The word “Peer” means those

who are in the same age or the same group. “Peer Pressure” is the need

to do something with your pals not alone.

Actually, the problem that most teens face is the lack of self-confidence .

Whenever they’re angry with their families , they give it up to the group .

Leaving teens without guidance may ruin them. They need someone to

hold their hands & direct them to the right path.

* To all teens around the world :

Things will not always go your way, but try to adjust yourself & look for

brighter future.

If something outside or at home really upsets you, talk to your parents or

your teachers about it , I’m sure they’ll listen to you .

Get it off your chest …!!!!

If you got a comment or a question ..please post it ..!!! and remember what friends for …!!!

[mover]Wait for my next essay…..!!!! [/mover]


أخي الشاب/ أختي الفتاة : لاتنسوا... ان قيام الليل من أفضل العبادات التي تقربكم الى الله... ناجوا ربكم بالليل والناس نيام...أرفعوا الأكف... وأسكبوا العبرات ... أتركوا النوم لعشاق الدنيا...فاليوم نحن هنا وغدا ً هناك... لكل من حرم قيام الليل : ..أسأل الله أن يرزقك هذه النعمة لتذوق لذة المناجاة...

قديم 15-02-03, 02:56 am   رقم المشاركة : 2
عضو قدير

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  المستوى :
  الحالة : خـــــــــــــــالـــــــــد غير متواجد حالياً

again ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you present us great topic

you have useful hoppies

in my leisure ,,,, I like reading ,

and I like writing poetry (( but in some cases acording to my psychological situation ))) and injoy
reading the folk poetry


about your essay.............

you are right

and i want to add some thing else,,,,,,,,, the parents should understand their sons and be close to them

COZ if the teens be alone they will look for any one to help , and to listen to them , to trust in,,,,,,,

and this may guide them to bad company



حسبنا الله سيؤتينا الله من فضله انا الى ربنا راغبون
قديم 15-02-03, 06:46 am   رقم المشاركة : 3
Lion Heart
عضو محترف

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  المستوى :
  الحالة : Lion Heart غير متواجد حالياً

[l]Well done[/l]

[l]I see you writin` somethin` that's worth to read[/l]

[l]Nice article man[/l]

[l]I enjoyed it [/l]


Maybe I am a lion

قديم 16-02-03, 12:57 am   رقم المشاركة : 4
محب الصحابه
عضو مميز

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  المستوى :
  الحالة : محب الصحابه غير متواجد حالياً

Hey , guys thanks a lot for your comments ..

Lionheart…!!!! . How’z life man …pretty tough ..huh !!!

Nice to see ya back ….



أخي الشاب/ أختي الفتاة : لاتنسوا... ان قيام الليل من أفضل العبادات التي تقربكم الى الله... ناجوا ربكم بالليل والناس نيام...أرفعوا الأكف... وأسكبوا العبرات ... أتركوا النوم لعشاق الدنيا...فاليوم نحن هنا وغدا ً هناك... لكل من حرم قيام الليل : ..أسأل الله أن يرزقك هذه النعمة لتذوق لذة المناجاة...

قديم 16-02-03, 03:12 pm   رقم المشاركة : 5
محب الصحابه
عضو مميز

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  المستوى :
  الحالة : محب الصحابه غير متواجد حالياً

[gl]Think …First..!!! [/gl]

Deciding the suitable way to deal with others should be

among our priorities . Sure you’re not a magician who

pretends to know what is inside others, nor a psychiatrist

knows how others think.

Being a member in this community, living with different

kinds of people and facing strange natures makes you

wonder , Do all these faces got the same hearts???

Will they all be treated in the same way ?? How do they think ??

I bet different questions are popping up on your head!!

Do you think that you’re able to go on with all these natures?

I’m sure no one can …!!!

You’re someone got one heart, one mind and limited

ability . So, you can’t satisfy all needs.

Let me tell you something if you met someone for the

first time , how did you react ?

Sure you’ll not going to start the talk with a joke..!!!

Cuz you don’t know the nature of the other person.

Who knows he might be someone who doesn’t like joke..!!!!.

All right , I’ll ask another questions. If you were talking

to someone and this person has turned up out of the blue

accusing you of being a liar !! You’ll start burning and

losing your temperament…RIGHT..!!!. Do you talk to

him politely and try to convince him or do you use another way ??

Do you think using bad ways to get your rights are better

than being polite and respected guy ?

What I want to say here is we all as humans living

together and sharing a lot of things , we should try to

find better ways to deal with each other . And remember

with kinds words you can win a world .

Please ....add your comments & questions ...I'll be glad to have them..!!!

[mover]Wait for...my ...next ..one...!!![/mover]


أخي الشاب/ أختي الفتاة : لاتنسوا... ان قيام الليل من أفضل العبادات التي تقربكم الى الله... ناجوا ربكم بالليل والناس نيام...أرفعوا الأكف... وأسكبوا العبرات ... أتركوا النوم لعشاق الدنيا...فاليوم نحن هنا وغدا ً هناك... لكل من حرم قيام الليل : ..أسأل الله أن يرزقك هذه النعمة لتذوق لذة المناجاة...

قديم 16-02-03, 09:37 pm   رقم المشاركة : 6
مشــرف ســابق
الصورة الرمزية 3bdullah

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  المستوى :
  الحالة : 3bdullah غير متواجد حالياً

[l]محب الصحابه

Here you are with massive work..

Regarding, people and better ways to communicate with..

I guess life experinces of one person or even of others, will make the job easier for you..

I even prefer reading books about it ...

finally your two subjects here are so cool..
go on we are waiting..



make your dreams come true | اظهر حلمك للعالم

قديم 20-02-03, 06:06 pm   رقم المشاركة : 7
محب الصحابه
عضو مميز

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  المستوى :
  الحالة : محب الصحابه غير متواجد حالياً

Thanks 3abdullah for your comment I appreciate it , pal.

Waiting to see more form ya ..!!!



أخي الشاب/ أختي الفتاة : لاتنسوا... ان قيام الليل من أفضل العبادات التي تقربكم الى الله... ناجوا ربكم بالليل والناس نيام...أرفعوا الأكف... وأسكبوا العبرات ... أتركوا النوم لعشاق الدنيا...فاليوم نحن هنا وغدا ً هناك... لكل من حرم قيام الليل : ..أسأل الله أن يرزقك هذه النعمة لتذوق لذة المناجاة...

قديم 20-02-03, 06:09 pm   رقم المشاركة : 8
محب الصحابه
عضو مميز

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  المستوى :
  الحالة : محب الصحابه غير متواجد حالياً

[gl]Master of the " DUMBS" ? [/gl]

I find more and more guys asking me …are serious about your decision ?

I don’t know what to say about such a questions. Sure you’ll wonder

what is it .

Before telling you the TOUGH question let me talk a little bit about the

guy who is called ..”ME” !!!

I was like all the other guys , going to school holding heavy stuff with me .

Sitting & watching the math teacher drawing things on the board & dealing

with numbers in a mysterious way. Sometimes I thought him a magician ,

mixing numbers together & getting an answer.

Hey , how did he do it ?

You know till now can’t really figure it out !!!

“Hi, pal are you still thinking” ? That’s what my friends used to call me

after math classes .

I still got drowsy mind whenever I remember Mr. Math .

“ I WANT TO QUIT” !!! I always say this to my family , but they never

take me seriously . “ you’re not a grown up to take your own decisions”,

my dad’s reply to my request .

I always try to explain why, “I’m not going back , he calls me dumb” !!

“But you’re the dumbest guy ..” my dad’s used to praise me, SURE,…!!!

What a tough days I’d got . When the guy “ME” got the chance to go to

university , it was really different .

No more magicians & no more compliment with the word “ DUMB” .

I always say to my pals about my dream of taking the “Master of Arts” .

“Hey are you kidding, pal ?”

“ Why should I, don’t you got any dreams ?..”!!

“ Sure. But you can’t .”

“Why not ? I’ve always dreamt of this . and I wanaa make it true .”

“ Waiting to see ya the Master of the Dumbs”

what an inspiring…!!!

“If you say it again , you’ll be out of this world”!!!

And still that guy “ME” waiting to make his dream true .

[mover]More essays are on the way…!!![/mover]


أخي الشاب/ أختي الفتاة : لاتنسوا... ان قيام الليل من أفضل العبادات التي تقربكم الى الله... ناجوا ربكم بالليل والناس نيام...أرفعوا الأكف... وأسكبوا العبرات ... أتركوا النوم لعشاق الدنيا...فاليوم نحن هنا وغدا ً هناك... لكل من حرم قيام الليل : ..أسأل الله أن يرزقك هذه النعمة لتذوق لذة المناجاة...

قديم 27-02-03, 11:27 pm   رقم المشاركة : 9
محب الصحابه
عضو مميز

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  المستوى :
  الحالة : محب الصحابه غير متواجد حالياً

[gl]Fashion Guy …!!![/gl]

Well, let’s be honest . You’re just like other guys , you

want to live your own age and enjoy your time. This makes

you look for everything new .

You start buying fashion magazines and talking to your

pals about new styles . Sometimes you walk into the

shop and ask about the latest accessories .

But , have you ever wonder whether following fashion

makes you really that’s kind of a guy , everyone wants to

be like him .

We don’t want to be unfair in our assessment concerning

fashion. But we need to discuss it logically .

If you met a guy whose shaving his hair in a peculiar

style and wearing pieces of clothes that really don’t fit

him. What’s your first impression about this guy ?

Sure your not going to like this …right..!!

Fashion can affect our lives , but it isn’t everything.

We can be ourselves without styling our hair and

wearing strange clothes.

I believe that following fashion is just a waste of time .

What’s the benefit of imitating others and adopting

unfamiliar styles. Is this makes you a famous guy who

wants be well- known ?

I’m not attacking fashion in general, but I want to say

that not everything fashion brings is acceptable .

You may take what fits you as a Muslim and give up the

bad ones. You can’t shut the door to stop fashion

entering your life. But you can say no to rotten styles.


أخي الشاب/ أختي الفتاة : لاتنسوا... ان قيام الليل من أفضل العبادات التي تقربكم الى الله... ناجوا ربكم بالليل والناس نيام...أرفعوا الأكف... وأسكبوا العبرات ... أتركوا النوم لعشاق الدنيا...فاليوم نحن هنا وغدا ً هناك... لكل من حرم قيام الليل : ..أسأل الله أن يرزقك هذه النعمة لتذوق لذة المناجاة...

قديم 20-03-03, 06:48 pm   رقم المشاركة : 10
محب الصحابه
عضو مميز

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  المستوى :
  الحالة : محب الصحابه غير متواجد حالياً

[gl]Beside ,,,,You. [/gl]

Have you ever felt alone . I mean not home alone , but alone in

this life . We used to hang around with a group of friends ,

spending cool time together .

Soon everyone will go in another way .

As life passed , you change places & faces . You might

remember some faces & you mightn’t .

Honestly , have you asked yourself , why do you need someone beside you ?

No doubt , that everyone faces hard times , sometimes you find

yourself stuck some where & you need to be picked up .

You need someone to be beside you, someone who cares for you.

When you feel that you need to talk about something , he offers you an ear.

You throw all your sorrows & pain to him . You need him when

you get tired from this life to soothe your wounds .

Nobody can live without having someone beside him .

You might face a bunch of cool guys , but only one can be your soul mate.


أخي الشاب/ أختي الفتاة : لاتنسوا... ان قيام الليل من أفضل العبادات التي تقربكم الى الله... ناجوا ربكم بالليل والناس نيام...أرفعوا الأكف... وأسكبوا العبرات ... أتركوا النوم لعشاق الدنيا...فاليوم نحن هنا وغدا ً هناك... لكل من حرم قيام الليل : ..أسأل الله أن يرزقك هذه النعمة لتذوق لذة المناجاة...

قديم 17-04-03, 02:35 pm   رقم المشاركة : 11
محب الصحابه
عضو مميز

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  المستوى :
  الحالة : محب الصحابه غير متواجد حالياً
Thumbs up

[gl]Never Let You Down !!! [/gl]

Last week I was sitting in the library looking for a kind of a book . As I was

roaming among the shelves and my eyes were examining the titles .

Suddenly , a soft hand touched my shoulder . Immediately I turned to see who’s behind me .

For my surprise this was one of my friends , I’ve never see for quite a long

time . We wanted to talk about a lot of things, so we tried to find a quiet place.

We headed to the café and as we sat there I glimpsed a sad look in his

eyes. He wasn’t the same guy I had known for six years. He looked older and more desperate .

He started asking me about the university and how is everything there . I told him there is nothing new.

I couldn’t just bear the melancholic look that covers his face.

“ You got something to say right ?” I asked him.

His lips were trembling , but he couldn’t utter a word. I insist on him to talk .
“ We used to tell each other our secrets . I’m here to listen to you. It’s your chance .” I said .

I was going through hard states. My father had died, therefore, I was "

forced to leave the university and look for a job to support my family"
He said with a painful sigh.

Sorry , for the death of your father. But when did he die?” I asked

"Two years ago in a heart attack .” He replied

" What happened to you after that ?”

I tried to look for a job some where and I got one.” He said"

“ That’s quite good.” I said . “You’re able now to help your family"

“ But, I still got something . Can you do me a favor ?”

“ Sure, we’re good friends . I’ll be glad to help you.” I assured him"

“ I want to go back to university to carry on my studies there “

“ Wow, It’s great . I’ll try to do my best to talk to the department about this
“ Thanks, pal . I knew that you won’t let me down.”

It’s O.K. What friends for…..!!!! “


أخي الشاب/ أختي الفتاة : لاتنسوا... ان قيام الليل من أفضل العبادات التي تقربكم الى الله... ناجوا ربكم بالليل والناس نيام...أرفعوا الأكف... وأسكبوا العبرات ... أتركوا النوم لعشاق الدنيا...فاليوم نحن هنا وغدا ً هناك... لكل من حرم قيام الليل : ..أسأل الله أن يرزقك هذه النعمة لتذوق لذة المناجاة...

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