المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Here is the teaching room هنا غرفة التدريس

الرجل البسيط
21-10-02, 03:44 pm
Hello guys ,
I appologize for not being with you for the last few weeks but I hope that I could make it for you all .

I was thinking of what do we need more to be able to learn English and then we could find out how to get used to them .

This place is made for you all to write about anything you don't understand or you are confused about then I will do my best to explain and find out more details with many examples and then we could make some exercises l

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اود الاعتذار عن عدم مشاركتي في هذا المنتدى للاسابيع القليلة الماضية ولكنني اعدكم بالتعويض .

كنت افكر باكثر ما نحتاج لكي نتعلم اللغة الانجليزية وبعد ذلك نحاول معالجتها .

هذا الموقع وضع للجميع من اجل تحديد احتياجاتهم من مواضيع غير مفهومه الى مواضيع تلبس عليهم الوضع فيها او اي شيء آخر , وسأقوم بعون الله بتوضيحها و جمع تفاصيلها مدعمة بالامثلة ومن ثم ان كان هنالك رغبة فسنقوم بوضع بعض التمارين عليها .

22-10-02, 01:06 am
that's great ,

also I suggest something else.......

that we want to write paragraphs about different topics and you comment on them by showing us the mistakes we did , to practice our english language......

الرجل البسيط
22-10-02, 03:36 pm
good suggestion brother and me with my colleagues are waiting for the first paragraph .

لقد طرح أخونا أنا هنا اقتراحا جيدا وذلك بوضع فقرات من عدة مواضيع ومن ثم نقوم بالتعديل مع ذكر الاخطاء فنشكره على اقتراحه آملين ان نرى الفقرة الاولى .

الرجل البسيط
28-10-02, 05:35 pm
as long as there is no questions then it means that we are all perfect in English so why don't we see many participation in here .
بما انه لاتوجد استفسارات فمعنى ذلك اننا ملمون باللغة الانجليزية . اذا لماذا لا نرى مشاركات عديدة ؟!

28-10-02, 08:09 pm
oh my brother be patient........

My english language is not as good as your's and as you know in Saudi we can't practice the language so we may forget it and this exercise will refresh it,

but those days I am so busy and wait me

where are the others , belive me this work is good for all of us...........
thanks simple man for care .......

الرجل البسيط
29-10-02, 02:50 pm
I just said that to encourage you to write .
لقد قلت ما قلت لكي احثكم على الكتابة وانا بانتظار المزيد .

10-12-02, 11:48 pm
my brother The simple man
I am so so sorry
I know I am too late but I did'nt find suitable topic to present .

but I want your comment on this participation from
another section
it is written by me
o1-Do you know that the native speakers with the English language use different english from taht we've
learned at schools

o2-Do you know taht my PC had big problem
prevented me from enter the net and all the system was about to destroy.

o3 -Do you know that we miss(( ALJeneral )) (الجنرال )) these days

o4-Do you know that the English language has some Vocabulary from arabic origin eg: saffron -giraffe ) الزعفران _الزرافه)

o5- Do you Know that I have certificate in English literature.

o6-Do you know thaht I am fond of learning more languages But here in Qassim it is impossible.

o7- Do yon know that My father was great poet ,but we knew that after his death.

o8-Do you know that presence some memebers in hiding way is strange .

o9-Do you know that I am sad because ((Sggar)) ((صقار)) one day may leave ALMontada

o10-Do you Know that I hope the phenomenon of (( copy and past )) gone or at least try to minimize it.

الرجل البسيط
15-12-02, 05:09 am
I am so sorry for being late but I have been busy lately .

I took a quick look at what you have writen and came up with this conclusion :

1- you have to be careful when using prepositions : for example , in number 1 you used with instead of OF and at instead of IN and so on > Unfortunaltly there is no rule in using them .

2- try not to write in english as if you are writng in arabic because the structure is different and the way it is said is different too .

3- try to use the continuous tense when it is needed and also the v+ing after the prepositions as in number 2 (entering and not enter )

4- try to use simple english when choosing the vocab. because every thing starts step by step .

Finally , your english is very good and don't be ashamed from using it even if make mistakes because we learn from our mistakes and the one who doesn't make mistakes , doesn't learn .

I hope I did what you were looking for and I appologize again .

15-12-02, 04:23 pm
thanks for your notice, Of course we learn step by step and we need your help to be better.

q**about number 2 can you give example from my topic and write it in correct structure.

brother ... do you know the reason of being my langugae(and most of the students of english Dep. in Qasim) is no very good??

beacause when we were at college they concentrated on literature and vocb. only.

الرجل البسيط
15-12-02, 07:44 pm
in number 8 you should say :

it is strange from some members to get in with an invisble mode .

29-12-02, 03:42 pm

I am very happy because i can rade this paragraphs

Thank you

go to

Note :
If I have mistake can you help me

my english it is not excelant

الرجل البسيط
30-12-02, 07:00 pm
Sure brother . We are here to help and to share what we have

بالطبع اخي البكيراوي فنحن هنا لنخدم ونتبادل ما نملك .


ابو علي