المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : The Purse

Lion Heart
10-10-02, 02:57 pm
The Purse

Two friends went for a walk. On the road they saw a purse. There was a lot of money in it. One of the men picked it up.
"I have a purse full of money," he said and put it in his pocket.
"Don't say "I", say "we"," said his friend. "It is our purse, no yours."
"No," said his friend. "I saw it first. It is my purse. I am going to keep it.".

Then a man ran up to them. "That's my purse," he said. "I saw you. You are a thief. I am going to get a policeman.".
"Oh, dear!" said the first man to the second man. "What shall we do?"
"Don't say "we", say "I"," said his friend.
"You picked up the purse, not I.".

10-10-02, 05:12 pm
LioN HearT


My dear,thats all what we are good for ..HUMANS greed envy whatever comes for free... is a gift ;)

If I wear in his shoes Iwould have done the same thing :D
do u !


Lion Heart
11-10-02, 09:07 am
As regards the rapacious one, he deserved what it was needed from his friend at last. Wasn't it? Kimo

This short story reminded me of a proverb that says:

He laughs best who laughs last

11-10-02, 07:56 pm
lion lion lion

The man is hear for sure there must be cool stuff...

mm inspiring one as usual....

Lion Heart
14-10-02, 10:10 pm
Thank you very much for praising.
But I still
A humble member here with two glorious supervisors
That's the truth.