المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : خطأ في أسئلة الوزارة في العام الماضي

24-05-02, 06:35 pm
وقعت بين يدي قبل أيام قليلة أسئلة مادة اللغة الإنجليزية لعام 1421/1422هـ
( قسم العلوم الشرعية والعربية ) وقد تفاجأت عندما وجدت خطأ " قواعدياً "
في آخر الصفحة الأولى من الأسئلة , وكان السؤال يقول :

: B ) Choose a , b , c, or d

4 - He said that he ................ all the homework regularly

a ) has done b ) had done c ) have done d ) does

ولقد نظرت في جميع الإجابات فوجدتها - جميعها - خاطئة !!!!!!!!!!! ( من وجهة نظري المتواضعة )

أتدرون لماذا ؟
لأن الجملة أصلاً - صياغتها - خطأ !!!!!

فكلمة regularly أعتقد أن موقعها في هذه الجملة خطأ بل هي مصدر الخطأ :mad: لأن الكلمة تأتي في زمن المضارع البسيط فقط لأنها تدل على التكرار
بينما في الكلام غير المباشر indirect speech يتحول زمن الجملة من المضارع البسيط إلى الماضي البسيط ومن المضارع التام إلى الماضي التام وهكذا ( من الزمن الموجود في الجملة الأصلية إلى الزمن الذي قبله )
فأين الأساتذة ( المتخصصون !!! ) عن هذا الخطأ :4:
عموماً قد أكون أنا المخطىء في هذا الكلام
ولهذا أرجو من الأخوة الأعزاء إبداء آرائهم وتعليقاتهم حول هذه الجملة

شاكراً ومقدراً للجميع

أخوكم / المتزن

26-05-02, 12:54 am
أين أنتم ياإخوان ؟!!

أين أنتم ياأهل اللغة ؟

أريد تعليقاتكم القيمة

وتقبلوا تحيات أخيكم / المتزن

Lion Heart
26-05-02, 02:44 pm
Alsalam Alaikum

Here we are Motazen we are not away from you.

Regarding the subject you have mentioned before I guess that there were no mistakes, and I will tell you why.
The sentence is about a reported speech so the verb must be in the past as you said.
The right choice is (had done) because the helping verb is in the past. In another hand, regularly is an adverb referred to the main verb in the sentence which is (done) and this adverb only described the verb of the sentence without changing the tense or whatever defecting the rule.

Also, the choices are varied into
Has done
Had done
Have done
Had done is the correct answer but the others are wrong because they are in the present tense

Finally, I want to remind you that these kinds of exams come from the ministry of education. So, the wrong is the least likely to be wrong because of the experience and the revision.

This is my opinion readers, if there are any other answers or even comments just share us with them

Lion Heart

02-06-02, 03:03 am
My brother : Lion Heart and brothers
Alsalam Alaikum
I agree with you that the answer is " had done " , but still I think that the word " regularly " is not in its appropriate place because as I said that the word " regularly " does not come but in the present simple .Therefore , they were supposed to change the word into another word or even to
. remove it

: Note

What I have said is my own openion . It is from my understanding and study of the language . It might be right or wrong .1

Thank you
your brother / Almutazin

أحمد العبدالله
13-06-02, 01:19 am
Dear Brothers

I've read all the subjec and your comments.In my humble opinion, the sentence is correct.

Why? Because the word regularly is not necessarliy used in the present tense. In fact , it's a word that expresses a repeated action whether this action is still repeated in the present or was repeated in the past so what I mean is that it can be used in the past simple tense to express an action that was repeated in the past but it isn't now. As the sentence is indirect the past simple was changed into the past perfect.

Also, I'd like to say that the adverb regularly is like always,never, often etc. which can be used in the past* For more information refer to PRACTICAL

wish you the best
